# This is the parameter specification of the JTK software. ## Required parameters. Please set them appropriately. ### The input file. Fasta and FASTQ is supported. Compressed files are not supported. input_file = "COX_PGF.fastq" ### The sequencing platform. ONT, CCS, or CLR. read_type = "ONT" ### The size of the target region, should be <10M. It is OK to use SI suffix, such as M or K. region_size = "5M" ## Recommended parameters. Please set them if you have (any) estimation. ### Output directory out_dir = "./cox_pgf" ### Output prefix. The final assembly would be `out_dir/prefix.gfa`. prefix = "temp" ### The number of threads. threads = 20 ### If true, the consensus would be polished by JTK. to_polish = true ### Resuming. If `out_dir` have JSON files with the specified prefix, JTK re-uses them. resume = false ## Tunable parameters. Sometimes tuning these parameters would improve the assembly. ### Please un-comment this parameter if you have a esimation of the coverage, ### and the specified region is highly repetitive. # haploid_coverage = 20 ### The length of the k-mers used to mask repeats. kmersize = 12 ### Upper [top_freq] k-mers would be masked as repeats. top_freq = 0.001 ### Purge chunks having more than [purge_copy_num] phases. purge_copy_num = 8 ### # of reads required to span homozygous region. ### Lowering this value would produce more "phased" assembly. ### But they would be more likely to cause switching errors. min_span = 2 ### Verbose level. 2 is debug more, 3 is trace mode (very slow). verbose = 2 ## Parameters for reproducibility. Usually, you do not need to modify them. ### Seed for a pseudorandom number generator. seed = 19090432890 ### The length of chunks. chunk_len = 2000 ### The margin between adjacent chunks in base pair. margin = 500 ### filter out unit having more than [exclude] repetitiveness." exclude = 0.8 ### Min-counts of the k-mer. min_count = 10 ### We pick the top [component_num] largest connected component for assembly. component_num = 1 ### Compress contigs less than [compress_contig] x [chunk_len]. compress_contig = 15 ### The size of the window in consensus polish_window_size = 2000 ### Minimum required log likelihood ratio to span region. Should be positive! min_llr = 1 ### Filter lower [supress_frac] weak clusters. supress_ari = 0.4 ### Match/Mismatch penalty for clustering match_ari = 4.0 mismatch_ari = -1.0 ### The minimum required spanning reads to compute the weakness of a cluster. required_count = 7